

  Cosmetic Dentistry - Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are very thin pieces of durable, tooth shaped porcelain that are custom made. They are approximately the thickness of a fingernail and fit over your natural teeth. Veneers may be a good solution for brightening front teeth that have permanent stains or discoloration that can't be whitened. They can be used to correct small gaps between the front teeth, or to fix teeth that are poorly shaped or slightly crooked.

Reasons for porcelain veneers:
Cosmetically, to create a uniform, white, beautiful smile
Crooked teeth
Misshapen teeth
Severely discolored or stained teeth
Teeth that are too small or large
Unwanted or uneven spaces
Worn or chipped teeth

What does getting porcelain veneers involve?
Getting veneers usually requires two visits to complete the process. The teeth are prepared by lightly buffing and shaping the surface to allow for the thickness of the veneer. A mold or impression of the teeth are taken and a shade (color) will then be chosen by you and one of our doctors.
On the second visit the teeth will be cleansed with special solution to achieve a durable bond. Bonding cement is then placed between the tooth and veneer and a special curing light is used to harden and set the bond.


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